Corona Vaccine: Community Partner Toolkit


Camden County Department of Health has developed a toolkit  with information about COVID 19, particularly, around the importance of getting vaccinated.

The University of Michigan Health System developed their own "Myths and Facts About Vaccination" fact sheet. To quote the message that really captures the importance of vaccinations. "The bottom Line is that vaccines protect us and our future generations. They have reduced and, in some instances, eliminated the diseases that have caused epidemics and death just a few generations ago. " (UMHHC Immunization Committee Myths and Facts about Vaccinations)

For further information, information about vaccines, please reach out to Koren Norwood, Unit Director, Health Education and Health Education Risk Communication Coordinator (HERC) at 856.374.6035; cell 609.221.9294 or Lynn Rosner at 856.374.6363; cell 856.906.2781. 

To View the  Corona Vaccine:Community Partner Toolkit, please click below:

PDF icon corona_vaccine_toolkit.pdf3.56 MB